Latinx Voices: Spotlighting Clearcover's Latinx Community During Heritage Month

Written by Team Clearcover | October 25th, 2023

At Clearcover, we strive to build an inclusive and diverse community. That's why our employee resource groups (ERGs) are instrumental in driving initiatives that can expand our commitment. One such ERG, “Amigos”, is dedicated to supporting Clearcover’s vibrant Hispanic and Latino communities. And during Latinx Heritage Month (September 15th to October 15th), they went all out with a fantastic lineup of events.

To start off the month in a fun and exciting way, the Amigos team at Clearcover organized a lively bingo board competition that had activities like sharing our favorite Latinx recipes, getting down to Shakira's iconic beats, and diving into captivating Latinx literature. 

But the fun didn't stop there. Amigos also hosted a special company-wide event featuring a game called Lotería, which is like bingo but with colorful pictures instead of regular numbers. Our team had a blast coming together to play the game and learn more about our Clearcover Latinx community. To keep the fun going, we used Slack channels to share favorite movies, TV shows, recipes, and Spanish words of the week. 

We're super proud of our team members, like Customer Advocate and Amigos member Raul Diaz, for actively promoting and celebrating cultural diversity within our organization. In honor of Latinx Heritage Month, he shared his thoughts about how important it is to honor and appreciate the diverse Latinx culture within Clearcover:  

Can you share a bit about your personal background and heritage within the Latinx community?

I was born in Mexico City and my family and I immigrated to the United States when I was 3 years old. Although I grew up in the U.S., our household was filled with many Mexican traditions, especially during the holidays. We have also come to adopt many American traditions, such as celebrating the 4th of July and Thanksgiving. In times of struggle, our family came together with what little we had to come out on the other side by helping each other, and this rings true throughout the Hispanic/Latinx community as a whole.

What does Latinx Heritage Month mean to you, and how do you typically celebrate it?

We celebrate Latinx Heritage Month in my household by watching the Mexican Independence Day Parade on September 16. Many Latin American countries also celebrate around the same time, so we believe it’s very important to continue to honor our history. 

How can non-Latinx individuals be more inclusive and supportive of Latinx culture and communities throughout the year, not just during Latinx Heritage Month?

I believe that we in the Latinx community are very welcoming, so as a non-Latinx individual, all they have to do is simply involve themselves in attending any event or looking to engage in a simple conversation with someone from the community. Many of our struggles are the same, and I believe we have more in common than we have differences.

Is there a particular message or theme you'd like to convey to readers during Latinx Heritage Month?

I truly believe that we need to be good to each other and celebrate our differences not just during Latinx Heritage Month, but all of the time.

We are grateful to Raul for taking the time to share his thoughts. We are proud of our company’s commitment to fostering a culture of inclusivity and diversity, and we hope that these initiatives allow us to celebrate in a fun and meaningful way.